The Advisory Board Specialists®

Experts du comité consultatif®


Experts du comité consultatif®


The Cercle GDP helps you expand your perspective with a strategic Advisory Board.

Our unique support and management program ensures that your Advisory Board is performing efficiently and that it is providing you with the guidance you need to achieve your goals.

Our mission

The Cercle GDP creates Advisory Boards to assist business owners with their strategic positioning and growth.

Who are we?

We are a team of seasoned, experienced and dynamic professionals who value your success. We understand that the reality of a business leader is unique. As a team we provide you with an array of experience and knowledge acquired by our invovlement in businesses within various Industries. By keeping up-to-date on recent business events and trends, our facilitators encourage members to provide informed, objective perspectives and insights.  Our experienced and professional facilitators are able to enhance the exchange of information among board members by encouraging them to share their knowledge, experiences and insights.

Who are our clients?

Our clients are business owners who are aware that when entering uncharted territories where a blunder can become fraught with consequences. These savvy entrepreneurs want to be surrounded with influential people who can help open the right doors and follow the right paths. People who can challenge the pursuit of risky opportunities and decisions to prevent them from making serious or costly mistakes.


Our experts

Are your ready to reap the benefits of an Advisory Board?